Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to
show how well you I' understand spoken English.
There are 3 parts to this section, with special directions
for each part.
Part I
Questions: 1 to 5.
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or
questions spoken in English. The dialogues or
questions will be spoken two times. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully
to understand what the speakers say.
After you hear a dialogue and the question about it,
read the five possible answers and decide which one
would be the best answer to the question you have
heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man : How about exercising tomorrow morning?
Woman : Alright. Pick me up at six.
You will also hear:
Narrator : What will the man do?
Sample answer
You'll read in your test book: Do exercise at 6.
Go with six women,
Take exercise alone,
Leave the woman alone,
Come to the woman's house.
The best answer to the question is "Come to the
woman's house." Therefore, you should choose answer
A. Hobbies.
B. Spare time.
C. Part time job.
D. Daily activities.
E. Collecting stamps,
A. The librarian.
B. The Broad Street.
C. The books in the library.
D. The location of the library.
E. The function of the library,
A. His pride.
B. His advice.
C. His intention
D. His curiosity.
E. His agreement,
A. Reading books.
B. Doing many activities.
C. Doing all sort of things.
D. Writing some articles.
E. Reading books and writing some articles.
A. Inability.
B. Uncertainty.
C. Impossibility.
D. Disagreement.
E. Dissatisfaction,
Part II
Questions: 6 to 10.
In this part of the test, you will hear several
questions or statements spoken in English. The
questions and responses will be spoken two times.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
You have to choose the best response to each question
or statement.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear:
Woman : Good morning, John. How are you?
Man : ...
You will also hear:
A. I am fine, thank you.
B. I am in the living room.
C. Let me introduce myself.
D. My name is John Travolta.
The best answer to the question "How are you?" is
A. "I am fine, thank you."
Therefore, you should choose answer (A.).
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Part III
Questions: 11 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear several
monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two
times. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say.
After you hear a monologue and the questions
about it, read the five possible answers and decide
which one would be the best answer to the questions
you have heard.
A. The water is stinky,
B. The water tastes bad.
C. The colour is not good.
D. There is no more water
E. The water is contaminated.
A. His cat.
B. His pet.
C. Bread,
D. Food.
E. Fish.
A. Bones,
B. Soft food.
C. Steamed rice,
D. Fish and bread.
E. Milk and bread.
A. To the mall,
B. To the market,
C. To the boutique.
D. To some antique shops,
E. To the department store.
A. Poor,
B. Rich.
C. Unhappy
D. Luxurious
E. Unfamiliar
This is the end of the listening section
Text I.
This text is for question 16.
Eka : Are you free today?
Lidya : Yes, what's up?
Eka : Would you like to come with me to see the
"Peterpan" show tonight?
Lidya : Thanks, I'd be delighted to. It's my favourite
What are the speakers going to do?
A. To stay at home.
B. To see Peterpan show.
C. To arrange their free time.
D. To watch Peterpan at home.
E. To come to their friend's house.
Text 2.
This text is for question 17.
Mira : Hi, Dad, I will be late home because the
committee will hold a meeting after class.
Father : It's okay but you must go straight home after
the meeting.
Mira : Don't worry, Dad.
Mother : What did Mira say?
Father : She said that she would be late home today.
What is the most possible place where Mira is talking
to her father?
A. A hall.
B. Her home.
C. The office.
D. Her school.
E. A meeting room,
Text 3
This text is for questions 18 to 21.
The University of Australia
The University of Australia has an international
reputation for educational professionals and for applied
research. It is Australia's largest university, with six
campuses, including a specialized technology campus.
The university places particular importance on the
quality of its teaching and learning programs, and on
its working links with industry, business and
The whole paragraph promotes that ...
A. the University of Australia offers excellent
educational programs
B. the University of Australia is the largest university
in the country
C. the University of Australia has a specialized
technology campus
D. the university places particular importance on
E. the university has six campuses
Which information is NOT TRUE about the University
of Australia?
A. It has an international educational reputation,
B. It also has a specialized technology campus,
C. It has six technology campuses,
D. It is Australia's largest university,
E. It has good relation with industry.
It is stated that the university has good relationship
with ...
A. educational professionals
B. specialized technology
C. large universities
D. other campuses
E. industry
Text 6.
This text is for questions 22 to 24.
The police thought that two burglars started the
robbery at 151 Pattimura street on Sunday afternoon.
The burglars broke into the students' room while they
were going to a football game. They never thought that
while they were away, burglars would break into their
boarding house.
What happened to the students' room on Sunday
A. The police broke it.
B. The police ruined it.
C. Burglars broke into it.
D. Two burglars broke it.
E. The students started to ruin it.
The burglars broke into the room when the students ...
F. were at a party
G. were taking a rest
H. were playing football
I. were at a football game
J. were watching football on TV
"The burglars broke into the students room ..." The
underlined phrase means ...
A. broke forcefully
B. entered by force
C. put into pieces
D. easily entered
E. came into

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Tujuan dari praktikum ini adalah:
Mengetahui cara/metode yang benar untuk memisahkan (mengisolasi)DNA dari buah-buahan berdaging lunak.
Mengetahui pengaruh kandungan air yang terdapat pada suatu buahterhadap hasil isolasi DNA.
Pada dasarnya, sel mengandung dua asam nukleat yaitu DNA danRNA. DNA terletak pada kromosom, dijumpai di nukleus, mitokondria dankloroplas. Sedangkan RNA dijumpai di nukleus, sitoplasma, dan ribosom.DNA ada dalam setiap sel makhluk hidup. DNA adalah materigenetik yang diwarisi dar suatu organisme. Suatu molekul DNAsangat panjang dan umumnya terdiri atas ratusan bahkan ribuan gen. DNAtersusun atas 3 komponen utama, yaitu suatu molekul organic yang disebutbasa nitrogen,suatu pentose (gula berkarbon lima), dan gugus fosfat
Isolasi DNA dapat dilakukan melalui tahapan-tahapan antara lain:preparasi ekstrak sel, pemurnian DNA dari ekstrsk sel dan presipitasi DNA.Meskipun isolasi DNA dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, akan tetapipada setiap jenis atau bagian tanaman dapat me mberikan hasil yangberbeda, hal ini dikarenakan adanya senyawa polifenol dan polisakaridadalam konsentrasi tinggi yang dapat menghambat pemurnian DNA. Jikaisolasi DNA dilakukan dengan sampel buah, maka kadar air pada masing-masing buah berbeda, dapat memberi hasil yang berbeda-beda pula.
1.Buah-buahanberdaginglunak(pisang,mangga,alpukat,tomat,papaya, dll.)
2.Garam dapur 
3.Detergen cair 
5.Etanol absolute dingin 
1.Sumpit mie
2.Kain kassa
3.Gelas kimia 2
5.Pengaduk / spatula
6.Tabung reaksi dan raktabung

Terlihat adanya tiga lapisan pada tabung, lapisan paling bawah yangberwarna kuning kehijauan ialah ekstrak buah yang masih tersisa setelahdisaring, lapisan di tengah ialah ethanol, sedangkan yang paling atas adalahkumpulan benang-benang DNA berwarna putih.
Pada gambar, belum terlihatjelas warna putih pada massa DNA, karena massa putih tersebut baru terlihatpada sekitar menit ke-30 setelah pencampuran ethanol absolute di 
Pada praktikum kali ini, kita mempelajari cara yang tepat untuk melihatDNA suatu organisme dengan mengisolasinya dari lokasi awalnya, yaitu didalam nukleus. Dalam proses isolasi DNA, umumnya terdapat tiga tahapanyang harus dilakukan oleh seorang peneliti, yaitu : 
1. Melisis/menghancurkan sel dengan cara mekanik maupun kimiawi, karenauntuk mengekstraksi DNA, dinding sel(jika ada), membran sel, danmembran nukleus(pada eukariot) harus dihancurkan terlebih dahulusehingga DNA dapat keluar dan terlihat massanya. 
2.Purifikasi(pemurnian larutan). Ketika sel telah lisis, seluruh komponen selakan bercampur satu sama lain. Sebagian besar proses manipulasi DNAmengharuskan agar DNA terpisah dan bebas dari protein dan RNA. Dilaboratorium, peneliti juga akan memperhatikan untuk menginaktivasi enziminternal sel yang dapat mendegradasi/ menghancurkan DNA. Merekakemungkinan menggunakan enzim pencerna protein, pemanasan,penambahan bahan kimia tertentu atau larutan organik seperti fenol untukR.menonaktifkan enzim dan menghilangkan protein dari nukleus. Namun, kitatidak melakukannya pada percobaan ini, karena kita tidak akanmenggunakan DNA yang diperoleh untuk tujuan eksperimen khusus. 
3.Presipitasi,yaitu pemisahan DNA dari larutan, dengan caramencampurkannya dengan suatu bahan tidak dapat melarutkannya(DNA)sehingga ia dapat memisah/terpresipitasi.
4.Penambahan ethanol absolute dingin.
Setelah disaring, larutantersebut dituang ke dalam tabung reaksi hingga tinggi tabung. Ethanolabsolute dingin sejumlah m dituangkan secara perlahan melewatidinding sel agar larutan yang berbagai komponenenya mulai terpisah tidakmenyatu kembali. Setelah beberapa saat, maka akan segera terlihatbahwa ethanol berada di atas lapisan atas, sementara filtrat berada didasar, hal ini terjadi karena ethanol memiliki densitas(kerapatan) yanglebih kecil dibandingkan air
5. penyaringan larutan
fungsi proses filtrasi ini ialah untuk mengumpulkan larutan yang kaya akan DNA dan untuk memisahkannyadari sisa-sisa sel dan jaringan lainnya pada buah yang kemudian akandibuang. Untuk mempermudah proses penyaringan, maka larutan terlebihdahulu didiamkan selama 5-10 menit agar molekul dengan massaterbesar dapat mengendap di dasar.
Untuk mengisolasi DNA pada buah, diperlukan langkah-langkahsistematis, yaitu menghancurkan dinding sel dengan penggerusan bahan,melisiskan membran sel dan membran nukleus dengan pencampuran detergen,serta presipitasi DNA dengan penambahan ethanol absolut dingin dan bantuanion Na+
dari NaCl (Kristal garam). DNA akan terlihat sebagai massa benang-benang putih yang perlahan naik ke permukaan tabung. Kadar air pada buahmempengaruhi waktu dan banyaknya DNA yang terpresipitasi. Semakin banyakkadar air maka semakin lama waktu yang dibutuhkan, dan jumlah DNA yangterpresipitasi semakin sedikit.